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At ATB we specialize in treating patients with neurological disorders, patients with disabilities. We also specialize in Oriental Herbal Medicine and Traditional or Body Acupuncture.

-Neurological Scalp Acupuncture - 頭皮針
-Neurological Disorders - 神經系統損傷
-Stroke - 中风
-Parkinson’s Disease - 帕金森氏症
-Daoyin Rehabilitation - 導引康復運動
-Bell’s Palsy - 面瘫 
-Cerebral Palsy 腦癱
-Myelopathy - Cervical -Lumbar -Thoracic - 脊髓病 -   Ataxia - 共济失调
-Spinal Cord Injury - 脊髓损伤
-Dementia - 老年癡呆
-Paralysis- 麻痹
-Pain Management - 控制疼痛
-Chronic Pain Syndrome - 慢性疼痛综合征
-Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - 腕管综合症
-Sciatica - 坐骨神经痛
-Lower Back Pain - 腰痛
-Piriformis Syndrome Treatment - 梨状肌综合征
-Hip Replacement Rehabilitation - 髋关
-Fatigue - 疲勞
-TMJ - 颞颌关节病
-Hypertension - 高血压
-Plantar Fasciatiis - 足底筋膜炎
-Giant Cell Arteritis - 巨细胞动脉炎
-Tennis Elbow - 网球肘
-Golf Elbow - 高尔夫球肘
-Knee Pain - 膝盖痛
-Knee Arthritis - 膝关节炎
-Arthritis - 关节炎
-Myositis - 肌炎
-Polymyalgia Rheumatica - 风湿性肌痛
-Fibromyalgia - 纤维肌痛
-Adhesive Capsulitis or Frozen Shoulder - 黏膜囊炎
-Knee Replacement Rehabilitation - 膝关节置换康复
-Scoliosis in Children and Adolescents - 脊柱側彎
-Spinal Stenosis - 椎管狭窄
-Obesity - 肥胖
-Rheumatic Diseases - 风湿病
-Bursitis - 滑囊炎
-Gout - 痛风
-Neck Pain - 颈部疼痛
-Shoulder Pain - 肩部疼痛
-Sports Injuries - 运动损伤
-Joint Pain - 关节痛
-Sprains & Strains - 扭伤和拉伤
-Tendinitis - 肌腱炎
-Depression - 忧郁症
-Anxiety - 焦虑
-Constipation - 便秘
-IBS or Diarrhea - 腹泻
-Headache - 头痛 -Migraine - 偏头痛
-Seasonal Allergies - 季节性过敏
-Immune System Deficiencies Support - 免疫系统
-Cough - 咳嗽
-Bronchitis - 氣管炎
-Digestive System Support - 消化系统
-Detoxification - 排毒
-Vitiligo - 白癜风
-Women Health - 女性健康
-Insomnia - 失眠
-Cosmetic Acupuncture - 美容针灸
-PMS - 经期综合症
-Menopause - 更年期综合症
-Ankylosing Spondylitis - 强直性脊柱炎
-Gua Sha - 刮痧
-Fire Cupping - 火拔罐
-Electro Acupuncture - 电针
-Sinusitis - 鼻窦炎
-Rhinitis/Stuffy Nose - 鼻炎


………and much more!


-Traditional Acupuncture or Body Acupuncture 
-Neurological Acupuncture
-Electro Acupuncture
-Fire Cupping Therapy
-ATB GuaSha

Additional Services

-Moxa or Moxibustion
-Ultra-Sound Therapy 
-Infrared Light Therapy 
-Daoyin (Healing through movement 
& exercise)
-Therapeutic and Rehabilitation  
-Fitness Coaching 
Strength Training & Muscle

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